Female Eye Study

Eye study

Not much to say about this one really… I wanted to practice a simple subject so I painted an eye. I wasn’t trying to get TOO detailed and wanted to focus on just rendering out an idea quickly without spending too much time on it but still giving it the element of realism.

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Bird Study

Bird Value Study

At first, I thought this was going to be the fastest study I’d ever painted. The sketch was done nice and quick, started blocking in colors and working on the shadow shape and thought I was moving at a good clip. Then when I started to refine down to smaller details I realized something: I had no idea how to paint feathers.
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Tulip Value Study

This was a value study of a tulip in direct sunlight. The transparency of the petals actually gave me more of a challenge than I was expecting as they cast shadows on themselves that were visible underneath. But hey, if I chose something super simple then it wouldn’t be much of a study now would it?
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Vase Still Life Study

Being more of a coder and UI designer doesn’t leave me with as much time to paint and draw as I’d like to these days. Don’t get me wrong, I love designing layouts and interfaces… but sometimes I just want to sketch a dog, paint a fantasy scene, or try to draw something I saw in a dream. I try to do quick still life sketches as often as I can to keep myself sharp.

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